Automation MQTT Publish Jibberish

After upgrading to version HASSIO 143, messages published to mqtt from automation scripts no longer work. Well they work but the data appears to be giberish. Automation script:

  • id: washer_state_washing
    alias: Washer State Washing
    • above: 40
      minutes: 1
      entity_id: sensor.washer_watts
      platform: numeric_state
    • data:
      payload: Washing
      topic: hass/state/washer
      service: mqtt.publish

message in topic:

I did not change anything, was something changed that would have caused this? If I use the dev console to publish a message that works correctly.

Additional info from logs
[homeassistant.components.mqtt] Can’t decode payload b’xx\x11\x00\xe0p\x11’ on hass/state/washer with encoding utf-8

2019-02-18 09:42:27 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Can’t decode payload b’\xf8p\x11\x00\x18|\x11\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe2L\xbb\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x07n\x11\x00\xe8m\x11\x00\x07\x81\xa3\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00’ on myhome/wemos/weather with encoding utf-8

Facing similar issues on
0.87.1. I’m using SmartThings MQTT Bridge.

I believe this may be related to an open issue posted on GitHub:

The problem is reported to occur with several flavors of MQTT Broker (mosquitto, mosca,’s built-in broker, etc) so it suggests the culprit may be Home Assistant’s MQTT component.

There’s a suggested fix (to erase all topics on the broker) but the someone has reported it did not work for them.

am facing exactly the same issue! Was using a sonoff POW which I replaced with Sonoff POWR3
Since then I am having the same issue! I am actually using the same payload for Washing and Idle.

did you managed to find a solution ???