I’ve an automation which doesn’t fire since I added a condition:
- alias: iOS app wrong
platform: event
event_type: timer.finished
entity_id: timer.iosproblem
- condition: state
entity_id: device_tracker.life360_steve
state: 'not_home'
- service: notify.steve_iphone
title: "iOS app wrong"
message: "Looks like the iOS app was probably wrong to say steve was home. Reversing the decision!"
target: ""
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: 'monitor/steve_bt_k'
retain: true
payload: 'not_home'
Basically because the iOS app isn’t as reliable as Life360 for determining if I’m REALLY home, I use a ‘check’ to see if the iOS app’s info correlates with Life360. The aim behind having all these different trackers (I also use a WiFi router device tracker and Monitor bluetooth tag tracking) is to disarm the alarm reliably.
However, since I added the condition, this automation doesn’t work anymore. Is it because I use zones, do you think, so the life360 ‘state’ won’t really be as simple as ‘not_home’ it’ll be ‘Gym’ or ‘Doctor’ or ‘Swimming’ ?? Is there a way to make the condition state is not equal to home ?
Zones could potentially change state from “not_home” to “ZONE” (where ZONE is replaced by the corresponding zone). This means that HA doesn’t recognize it as “not_home” but rather as the current zone it is in.
This is the case for the ios app tracker which work pretty reliable for me. I use the tado device tracker for home/not_home states as that is all it can do (a router might do the trick as well, however you might want to set up a delay as ios tends to disconnect from wifi when it is in standby.
Do you mean the first line or somewhere else? I think the indentation is working ok? The first line is just due to what the forum textbox does/did to my code when I pasted it in and formatted it as code
yes, defo the first line. Should have had spaces in front of it.
if that’s somehow done by thos forum, then you should be ok.
Have you tried my suggestion for the templated condition?