Automation not triggering-solax to shelly

Hello there,

i made automation for my shelly, that is triggering heater when power from solax is above 1Kw.
There si no error when i meda automation but when power is above 1kw, shelly wont switch to on.
Can someone check it if code is right?
Thank for any advize.

- id: '1695376586297'
  alias: Bojler2
  description: ''
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.solax_pv_power_total
    above: 1000
  condition: []
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: 297d7f47cca7e0e991e056a20dfffb4f
    entity_id: eb2ce626f51ff85b916f87ef82c4e35f
    domain: switch
  mode: single

The trigger is the change in power level from below 1000 to above 1000, so this will trigger once when the power goes from 999 to 1000. After that it will not trigger again until power drops below 1000, then goes up again.

So long as the power level stays above 1000, nothing will happen.

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