Based on tests of my simple automations with a Numeric Trigger like: close shutter if temperature is above 23 degrees and sun is shining (brightness), it looks like they get only activated if the Numeric Trigger crosses the defined threshold.
So, when all requirements are met, but the actual temperature is already above 23 degrees, nothing happens.
Does anybody know the concrete solution how to get it always activated when it is above a threshold? (I see only rough ideas on other postings).
Many thanks!
Automation Example:
id: ‘1622314242009’
alias: Cooling South
description: ‘’
What kind of actuator / weather station are you using? Some provide sophisticated support for these things outbox the bus
If you just invert this automation you probably won’t get a satisfying result.
Some thoughts of practical cases:
a cloud causes the brightness to drop below the limit for 3 minutes → you need some hysteresis
you just opened it manually and some minutes later the temperature changes → you need some timeout to fall back to “automatic mode”
it’s very bright outside, but the sun dont shine directly on the window → add a condition for a sun angle range
in Winter you may want to have different conditions: open at daytime as long as the room doesn’t overheat (limit eg target room temperature + 3K or just 24°C)
It is A SIEMENS AP257/31 which offers a facade control, but with brightness only and a Logic module with up to 4 and/or parameters. Room temperature had probably to be an External Alarm, but this is beyond my KNX skills as I have never seen before how you can define temperature thresholds or ranges there.
My weather station looks exactly the same but is from Elsner. It can calculate sun angle and use it for the facade control.
The temperature stuff and automation-fallback-time is done by my ABB JRA actuator. It always depends on the applications of your devices and how they fit together.
I also use ABB shutter actors, but it as far as I see, there are no temp parameters. Did you develop a similar automation just with these two devices ? I would be highly interested.
Maybe my Infoterminal Touch from Gira with its logicmodul could solve it, but again, way above my skills.
Yes these two and a heating actuator. It’s a ABB JRA/S x.230.2.1
The heating actuator sends binary objects for Heating/Cooling and the current temperature.
The max. temp for winter is hard configured in the blind actuators application (no communication object).
The weather station just sends a “Sun” binary object for the different facades. Hysteresis of brightness and sun angle is calculated there.
I also use the ABB heating actor. Is there a way that you could send me a screenshot of your shutter actor comm objects and the (relevant) group addresses? I Could give you my email address
Not sure if it would really help more than reading the manual. But if you think so and you can read German I can try to make some screenshots later this week.
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