Hi Everyone!
I have a OrangePi 3b, and 2 boards with an ESP32, i create automations from GUI, and works good, the problem is when i try to compiling, firts, i include the line in the global configuration:
automation: !include automations.yaml
but the system show an error in code, the i try to compiling but the system say “check identation”, when i create the automation from GUI!!! i don’t undertand this.
Whitout this line all works good, but i want to compiling all code for the ESP32 work alone, without the OrangePi.
I have another problem with the file… i need to copy the file automation.yaml to route:
if not, an error appears, the system don’t locale this file, how is possible?
Automations created in the GUI are meant for HA only, you cannot use them in an ESP, if that is what you mean by trying to compile it. The yaml for building firmware is different from the yaml HA uses.
For building ESPhome firmware, check the ESPHome documentation.
automations.yaml is created in config, as it belongs to Home Assitant. Files for firmware are in config/esphome, because they are meant for ESPHome.
You can create logic in esp firmware, using ESPHome. But while esphome is created by the Home Assistant creators and works well with it, it truly is a different system. Home Assistant is made in Python, ESPHome firmware is C++. Both use yaml for configuration, but the contents of the yaml are different.
That is why files made with HA do not live in the same folder as those meant for ESPHome. Also there is no GUI for creating logic in ESPHome, it is purely file based. The a starting guide for creating firmware is here:
More about creating automations in ESPHome is here: