I am slowly building out my project piece by piece and learning on the way (kinda ). Currently it works as anticipated but the next portion is not doing anything. I am sure I am probably off in my logic so any suggestions is appreciated. I want to monitor my probe and fire one switch for a value below a range, fire another switch for a value above a range. Only have below in right now. It never fires. At one point I thought I saw on the terminal after installing it claimed it fired but I was away and so I did not hear pump kick in. thoughts?
I might send data to HA where I can monitor the states of the sensor and then use Threshold or Bayesian Helper in an automation. That way I can see exactly what is going from on from either the ESPHome logs and HA history. Or keep trying with the code! I am still not an expert but I might have used a lambada
Thanks. I started down that path just using a script - still learning it all and was not successful. I am sending that value to the Dashboard for graphing. I have only used a bit of lambda for oled display but did come across using it for averaging that number. The value reported is pretty accurate, so I have not dug into more on lambda. I decided against chasing the script as I thought it could get kind of messy with as many as I might need and confusing. Have not heard of Threshold or Bayesian helper but I will look into that.
[16:44:11][D][sensor:126]: 'ph_reading': Sending state 3.56100 pH with 2 decimals of accuracy