Automation - repeat until issue

Trying to monitor a device’s connectivity to my network. it goes down every so often. If connectivity is down I want to re-check every 30 minutes until fixed or and between 9am to 9pm.

Not real sure what I should use for “- service” under “sequence” key word. This is the relevant code…


- id: '1629334608935'
  alias: connectivity_dvr
  description: ''
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.connectivity_dvr
    to: 'off'
      hours: 0
      minutes: 1
      seconds: 0
  - condition: time
    after: "09:00:00"
    before: "21:00:00"
  - alias: repeat 30 minutes until device reset
        - service: binary_sensor.connectivity_dvr
          entity_id: binary_sensor.connectivity_dvr
        - delay: 00:30:00
        - condition: state
          entity_id: binary_sensor.connectivity_dvr
          state: "on"
  - service: notify.alexa_media
      target: media_player.living_room_echo
      message: channel master tv guide server might be down check under TV.
        type: announce
        method: speak
  mode: single 

- platform: ping
  name: connectivity_dvr
  scan_interval: 15 

Thanks for looking.

That’s not really a thing in HA… but there are a number of other options.

Personally, I would go for an Alert, but it will require a Template binary sensor to handle the conditional logic.

Or, you can use a more brute force method with a Time pattern trigger to poll the state every 30 minutes to see if it has been off for at least 30 minutes.

There isn’t a service for that, it’s already being handled by the condition of the until… but prolonged waits, delays, and loops are generally best avoided.

Also, be aware that your automation will not make the desired announcement in the morning if the connection fails overnight unless it comes back then fails again.

From what I see, you are already pinging your device, otherwise the state can not be down.
so running the script again and again if it is already down doesn’t help

I would define more triggers to do more notifcations every 30 minutes.

if dvr = down for 30 minutes
if dvr = down for 60 minutes

- id: '1629334608935'
  alias: connectivity_dvr
  description: ''
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.connectivity_dvr
    to: 'off'
      hours: 0
      minutes: 1
      seconds: 0
  - platform: state
	  - binary_sensor.connectivity_dvr
	to: "off"
	id: off_for_30M
	  hours: 0
	  minutes: 30
	  seconds: 0	
  - platform: state
	  - binary_sensor.connectivity_dvr
	to: "off"
	id: off_for_60M
	  hours: 1
	  minutes: 0
	  seconds: 0	  

  - service: notify.alexa_media
      target: media_player.living_room_echo
      message: channel master tv guide server might be down check under TV.
        type: announce
        method: speak
  mode: single 

Makes no sense to me.

Why would I run for both 30 and 60 minute intervals ? Two 30 minutes intervals end-to-end is the same as one 60 minute interval.

Those are not intervals, they are unique events, i.e when the sensor has been ‘off’ for 30 minutes and when it has been ‘off’ for 60 minutes.

I am thinking maybe I should just run a timed automation every thirty minutes to check if I can ping device

The automation has nothing to do with pinging the device… that is already happening every 15 seconds based on the sensor configuration you posted above.

You could just use the Uptime Kuma integration.
hassio-addons/addon-uptime-kuma: Uptime Kuma - Home Assistant Community Add-ons (

You are mixing up things…

You are already pinging the devices, so run a automation to do the same has no added value.

In your logic:
If ping set’s a sensor down for 1 minute → ping again every 30 minutes on top of the current ping action. but send a notification.

In the suggested automation:
If ping set’s a sensor down for 1 minute → send notification
If sensor is down for 30 minutes → send notification
if sensor is down for 60 minutes → send notification