Automation return always - Test condition state: False

Dear forum members,

I’m struggling to get the automation up and running, the automation are triggered as expected but they don’t execute the ‘action’ because HASS sees the ‘condition’ as FALSE. I’ve tried:

  • leaving the condition empty;
  • time after 7:00 before 17:00 eg
  • state from a entity
  • sun after sunrise
  • template value {{true}}
  • etc.

It keeps reporting the condition as FALSE.

2017-11-13 10:26:25 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation] Executing Wake-up
2017-11-13 10:26:25 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event logbook_entry[L]: message=has been triggered, entity_id=automation.wakeup, domain=automation, name=Wake-up>
2017-11-13 10:26:25 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.script] Script Wake-up: Running script
2017-11-13 10:26:25 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.script] Script Wake-up: Test condition state: False
2017-11-13 10:26:25 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state automation.wakeup=on; last_triggered=None, id=1510486952668, friendly_name=Wake-up @ 2017-11-13T10:26:20.019900+01:00>, entity_id=automation.wakeup, new_state=<state automation.wakeup=on; last_triggered=2017-11-13T10:26:25.705956+01:00, id=1510486952668, friendly_name=Wake-up @ 2017-11-13T10:26:20.019900+01:00>>

  • action:
    • condition: state
      entity_id: group.woonkamer
      state: ‘on’
      alias: Wake-up
    • condition: [ ] << also tried all the above conditions
      id: ‘1510486952668’
    • platform: template
      value_template: ‘{{ states.sensor.time.state == states.sensor.alarm_clock_time_long.state

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Running Home Assistant 0.57.3