Automation - save button disappearing

Whenever I click save on an automation, the button disappears and nothing happens? Anybody got any ideas what’s happening? No error messages appear.

Thanks in advance

Edit: I have look in the automations folder and found the automations exist but they don’t show on under automations on the front end?

I run in to that quirk periodically and I find that sometimes I have to inserts or delete random things then just ctrl-z to restore then I get the Save button back.

3 years later… I’ve just started having the same issue. When I can get the Save button to appear, my change isn’t saved. But it is rarely appearring. Seems like some quirky, unresolved bug.

Erm, the bug was me! I had mismatched quotes in template code. No error shows, but the save button just didn’t show. not a great UI, but it works