Automation, script and scene marketplace

I thought it would be really interesting if there was a structured website for the community to provide their programmed automations, scripts, scenes and so on for others to find and search. It could have top charts and categories for the community to get inspired or to find something they’d have to code themself otherwise.

Have you looked at the Home assistant Cookbook?

I did not know about this but it’s not really what I have in mind because it’s such a curated/moderated list. I thought more of a platform where everyone can publish.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, to do it as ‘packages’. For example do a complete package file for @Bob_NL 's chromecast radio, a couple of comments in it to say “set the entity id for your chromecast” here and “set the url for your radio station” there.

People could just copy and paste the package as a single file, make a few small edits to map the entity id’s for their config, sorted.

The reason I haven’t stepped up and done it yet is because I need to come up with a uniform format that makes it easy for people to submit the package, show end users which bits to change, etc etc, (like submitting a bug report with all the info a dev needs) and I wanted to make sure it was noob proof.

Could either be on the forums, or possibly even the ‘wiki’ section on either the HA GitHub or the docs io, or whatever.

But I keep getting distracted by IRL things. I’m not territorial so if somebody else wants to do it, crack on :smile: . Short of that, I will get round to it at some point.

This is pretty much exactly what I thought of but I don’t think I am experienced enough (2 weeks usage) in the hass enviroment or have the skill to build such a platform. But I am willing to assist if needed.
And I don’t think a forum would be a good way because a forum is not very overseeable and you often have to read many posts to get everything needed.

If I understand you correctly you want something like:

No, I mean like a single yaml file that people can include as a package…

Just copy and paste it, change the entity ids, include it in the package list, sorted.

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