Hi Team,
I have myself a 4x4x4 LED Arduino cube that I use to display weather:
4x4x4 Cube
I used to have it connected to another Raspberry Pi that would collect weather information and send a letter over the serial port representing the weather conditions to the attached Arduino board.
The Arduino board would run the corresponding weather animation for 5 minutes until the raspberry pi sent and updated letter (conditon).
That system worked great, but I’d love to add it to my Home Assistant setup, and this is where I need assistance.
I would like to have the connected cube display weather information between 7AM- 6PM every day of the week.
During those hours I’d like it to read the weather conditions (sensor.pws_weather) and run a script I have already configured (I think I have it right anyway).
shell_command: cube_clear: echo -e -n "s" > /dev/ttyACM1 cube_cloud: echo -e -n "c" > /dev/ttyACM1 cube_mostcloud: echo -e -n "p" > /dev/ttyACM1 cube_rain: echo -e -n "r" > /dev/ttyACM1 cube_wind: echo -e -n "w" > /dev/ttyACM1 cube_nightcloud: echo -e -n "o" > /dev/ttyACM1 cube_clearnight: echo -e -n "n" > /dev/ttyACM1 cube_lasers: echo -e -n "l" > /dev/ttyACM1 cube_dblcube: echo -e -n "b" > /dev/ttyACM1 cube_fade: echo -e -n "q" > /dev/ttyACM1
It’ll need to run every 5 minutes
After 6PM I want it to send one command, the cube_fade script, which essentially turns it off to avoid annoyance.
I am just not sure how to approach it, im not very good at coding and get by usually by following examples and smashing things together.
Can anyone point me in the correct direction for this?