Automation script with photoresistor, motioneye and sonoff switch

Hello all,

I’m trying to create an automation with 2 conditions to trigger a light.
My conditions are, motion detected (with motion eye) and the voltage on the photoresistor.

I tried, with webhook, to trigger the light, it works. And with the photoresistor too.

But I can’t figure out how to do a multiple condition in home assistant…
Motion detecion script :

- alias: Motion detector
    platform: webhook
    webhook_id: presence_bureau
    service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.lumiere_bureau

Photoresistor script :

- id: '1623602000752'
  alias: Allumer lumiere bureau
  description: Allumage en fonction de la tension sur la photoresistance
  - type: voltage
    platform: device
    device_id: 171b6f92ceb1f2dbc2123cf85ab276b7
    entity_id: sensor.photoresistor
    domain: sensor
    below: 0.2
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
      milliseconds: 0
  condition: []
  - service: switch.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.lumiere_bureau
  mode: restart
  max: 2

Thanks for your help !