Automation , send variable from slider in a shell curl command

hi, i have configured a slider, but now i want an automation, that sets my dimmer to the correct status

the command i need to send to my dimmer =


i can use a curl shell command for that, but offcourse the 10 or 20 , needs to be variable, based on the input of the slider

something like :


dimmer: ‘curl -k http://ip/dimmer.php?hex=FFFFFFFF && {{ states.input_slider.{{ state.entity_id }}.dimmer }}’

It looks like you want to pass an input_slider object_id as a variable to the shell_command. Is that right? E.g.:

service: shell_command.my_shell_command
  object_id: my_slider

If so, then I think something like this might work:

  my_shell_command: >
    curl -k http://ip/dimmer.php?hex=FFFFFFFF{{ states('input_slider.' ~ objec_id) }}

If the state of that slider is not exactly the right format (e.g., exactly two digits), you might need to add some formatting.

ok, how can i find out the object _id number thats being sended?

is this correct code:

  dimmer1: 'curl -k "http://ip/bla.php?hex=FFFF{{ states('input_slider.dimmer1' ~ objec_id) }}"'

in automation:

- alias: Dimmer1
  id: '1513037592911'
  - entity_id: input_number.dimmer1
    platform: state
  - service: shell_command.dimmer1
  object_id: input_slider.dimmer1

You’ve got entity_id’s and object_id’s confused. An entity_id is made up of a domain and an object_id, separated by a period. So input_slider.dimmer1 is an entity_id, whose domain is input_slider and whose object_id is dimmer1.

Let’s take a step back. Do you want the shell_command to be sent information about which input_slider to use from the automation, or do you want the shell_command to always use the same input_slider?

hi, needs always be the same slider, i only have one dimmer/slider

based on the slider status, like 10 , 20 , 30. , those numeric values are corresonding to the status of the light

this is what i have now : i am quite close i think, also it seems the value is being sended as 10.0 and 20.0 , so i need to change that format also

    name: dimmer1
    initial: 0
    min: 0
    max: 100
    step: 10

  dimmer1: 'curl -k http://ip/bla.php?hex=FFFFFFFF{{ states.input_number.dimmer1.state }'
automation : 

- alias: Dimmer1
  id: '1513037592911'
  - entity_id: input_number.dimmer1
    platform: state
  - service: shell_command.dimmer1


  dimmer1: "curl -k http://ip/bla.php?hex=FFFFFFFF{{ '%02d'|format(states('input_number.dimmer1')|int) }}"

This changes the state string into a int, and then uses the format filter to format it as two digits, with zero padding.

EDIT: Of course, the input_number is probably in decimal, and the URL seems to want hex, so you might need to change '%02d' to '%02x'.

OMG what do i love this community! its working

thnx a lot!!

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