Automation stopped working

My automation stopped working yesterday. Logs shows that none of them are being triggered anymore. (No errors on startup)

I have just a few and deleted all, updated HASS.IO to the latest version. Created one again, and still nothing.
The one I created is triggered via MQTT, the switch is sending the correct PAYLOAD and to the correct topic - but nothing…

All automation stopped working, and I cant seem to get them running again?

Any ideas?

are they enabled?


a recent change on one of the updates requires initial: 'on' to be set in the automation code

  initial_state: 'on'

not initial…
and it is only for the first run after the upgrade… after that it remembers the state across reboots…

that’s the one, I knew I’d have something slightly off…its been one of those days!

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Doubt this is on, Where do I enable this? Should really start reading the release notes :slight_smile:

you need to view your automation controls in the GUI, or simply add the code, restart HA and it should be sweet

Thanks, will add it to all the automation…


alias: Alarm auto arm
initial_state: 'on'
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.passage_multi_sensor_sensor


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You don’t need to add that code (initial_state: ) code to the automation.

You only have to manually re-enable the ones you want enabled.

After that HA will remember the status across restarts. If you put that line in your code then every time the automation will always start in that state even if you had it off before restarting.

How do you manually re-enable automation? I added the initial_state to my automation.yaml, and it worked until the new 0.86 update. Now again no automation’s are running…

Go to the dev states section and click on the square box to the left of the automation then in the pop up that comes up flip the toggle to on.