Automation template for e period of months

I had an automation for my sun screens that worked fine for a few years.
However this year it seems to be broken.
I commented out the following

        # - condition: template
          # value_template: "{{ n.month >= 5 or n.month < 9 }}"

Now the automation does work.
So there must be something wrong with this, but I can’t figure out what has changed over the past months that makes this line to corrupt the automation.

Complet automation below.

- id: Screens achter dicht
  alias: Screens achter dicht
    - entity_id: sun.sun
      platform: state
    - above: 14000
      entity_id: sensor.lichtsterkte_achter_gem
        minutes: 5
      platform: numeric_state
    - condition: and
        - above: 14000
          condition: numeric_state
          entity_id: sensor.lichtsterkte_achter_gem
        - above: 22
          condition: numeric_state
          entity_id: sensor.boven_achter_temperature
        - condition: state
          entity_id: cover.screen_boven
            minutes: 20
          state: open
        # - condition: template
          # value_template: "{{ n.month >= 5 or n.month < 9 }}"
    service: cover.close_cover
      - cover.screen_boven
      - cover.screen_was_klein
  initial_state: "on"

Where is the variable n defined? It looks like it should be now()

        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ now().month >= 5 or now().month < 9 }}"

Has anyone noticed that the template allows for any month of the year?

If the template’s goal is to only allow May to August then the logical or should be a logical and.

{{ now().month >= 5 and now().month < 9 }}


{{ 5 <= now().month < 9 }}
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Strange thing is that I had it like this for 2 years. The screens should only be activaded in may, june, juli and august.

I’ll try the suggested sollitions, thanks.

Using logical OR the template accepts all values from 1 to 12.

Using logical AND it only allows 5 to 8.

Copy-paste the following into the Template Editor and try it.

{%- for i in range(1,13) %}
{{ iif(i >= 5 and i < 9, i, ' ')  }}
{%- endfor %}

Thanks for explaining, ik tried it. It gives your result as expected.

I now have

        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ 5 <= now().month < 9 }}"

in the automation. I also tried this in the template editor. and this gives me as a result “true”
If I change 5 in to 6, i get “false” as a result.

So I think this should be working now? Or am I still missing something.

Then the suggested template condition will do that.

        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ 5 <= now().month < 9 }}"

If you wish, you can also write it in shorthand notation.

        - "{{ 5 <= now().month < 9 }}"