I have created two automations that trigger on templates. One I thought was working but because I used a second trigger based on the ‘numeric state’ platform, the trigger was always from the ‘numeric state’ trigger and not the template trigger. Both templates in question provide the correct true/false result when tested in the Developer Tools/Template page.
There is something that I do not understand about the template trigger obviously. The templates seem to satisfy the template trigger requirements but obviously not.
{{ states('sensor.upper_xxxx_xxx_inside_temp') | float >= states('sensor.upper_xxxx_xxx_temp') | float +3 }}
{% if states('sensor.filtered_inside_temp') | float >= 64 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
HA 2022.7.5 in Docker
I believe that I have resolved this, thanks to another discussion on this forum.
I was aware that the template trigger only works when the entity involved transitions from a false to true state and I was trying to test it by altering the comparison value in the template. This was unsuccessful as the trigger requires the entity to actually change value. By setting the value of the entity in Developer Tools/States I was able to cause the trigger to happen. It remains to be seen if the trigger will happen ‘naturally’ tomorrow when the temperature values are rising again.