I am trying to dynamically populate an input select with the names of all scenes in an area. This is to make it easy to show all in a dashboard, without having to edit it each time a scene is added.
Anyone have any idea how to accomplish such a goal. Have not found any examples, is it possible?. Not yet good enough to roll my own
You can also use a Template Select… the following example uses an Input text helper to save the selected option. It also turns the selected scene on, but that is optional.
I am working on something very similar. I am setting up a blueprint and would like to provide a Select selector that lists all scenes in the home. Unfortunately, I can’t figure this one out based on the code above. @Didgeridrew Do you maybe have a suggestion?
I’ve never touched templates before so this is my first attempt. But I’m interested in getting this to work and not having to manually input these for smart switches.
I wondered if you had an example of what you’ve configured to get this to work?