Automation to re-run Triggers

I would like to have an automation that runs the trigger of other automations. How do I do that ?
The purpose is the following : I have a Homeseer 200 Dimmer switch set up so that the 7 leds represent 7 areas of our home, and they show green if all lights in an area are off and show red when one or more lights are on. Occasionally, they do not register the status appropriately and I want to have a “button” in my Dashboard that I can click ro re-run the triggers (not the actions).

So… you want a dashboard button that will refresh the dimmer switch sensors - is that right?

I think we need more information about how your dimmer switch integrates with HA - it’s Z-wave, right?

Basic method would be to add a dropdown helper with an “option” for each one and add it as a state trigger to the automations. Put the drop-down on a dashboard.

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Homeseer 200 Zwave dimmer

Show the original automation that sets the LED color as a code text block (not a screenshot)