I send a mqtt message to home assistant to obtain the state of an entity, and send this back with mqtt
I am a beginner, tryed for hours now, with variables etc. browsed a lot, did not find an answer
anyone ?
shouldnt the topic be: homeassistant/mqttvraag
You can check this using a mqtt client and connect to the mqtt broker.
Same goes for the reply, is that the correct topic?
payload_template: '{{states.{{trigger.payload}}.state}}'
I think this way is not preferred with the states.entity.state see:
payload_template: "{{states(trigger.payload)}}"
Should return the state of the entity you published.
trigger mqtt subscribe receives “switch.sonoff_1”, this works,
I changed as you wrote :
compiling gives
template value should be a string for dictionary value @ data[0][‘data_template’]
why i am working on this : I consider transferring my domotica from domoticz to home assistant
i have a lot of complex python scripts, I want to keep using
therefore I need to know the state of entity’s in home assistant on demand