Automation to switch ecobee to "heating" when another ecobee turns to heating

The house I bought ended up having a boiler that’s way oversized for the three separate zones that they put in, so it short cycles a lot. To try and avoid that a little bit at least, I would like to open the basement zone (turn the heat on) whenever the main floor ecobee starts to kick in. I would like to use the homekit integration so that I don’t have to rely on ecobee’s cloud.

I’m not sure how to do this at all to be honest because I’m really new with Home Assistant coming from smartthings.

Basically, I think the easiest way to do this may be to set the basement to a highish temperature on a trigger when the main floor starts heating and then revert to the original settings after.

Any assistance on my first automation would be nice :slight_smile:

Could you tell us the HA entity_id’s for the ecobee thermostats involved? Also it would be nice to see what their state & attributes look like.

I agree, probably all you can do is raise the set point temporarily. If you can post the details mentioned above I could probably suggest something.

Hi! Thank you for the response. The main thermostat is climate.main_floor and the other is climate.basement. I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to do this, and I discovered that the homekit integration doesn’t allow for ecobee presets, which I think means I can’t go back to the previous temperature after it’s been modified with homekit.

In this case I think I want to create a new preset within the ecobee app, then when the climate.main_floor switches to heating, change the climate.basement to an ecobee preset that has a higher temperature. OR I could set it to a higher temperature and then revert back to the preset it was on.

I don’t think you need to do anything with presets. You should be able, with things as-is, to create an automation that triggers when climate.main_floor indicates it’s heating that saves the current state of climate.basement using a dynamically created scene and raises the target temperature of climate.basement using the climate.set_temperature. Then create another automation that triggers when climate.main_floor stops heating (or some other appropriate trigger) that sets climate.basement back to what it was using the dynamically created scene.

Ah that’s an interesting approach. I had created a binary_sensor I was going to try and use in an automation but maybe I’m going about this all wrong…

        value_template: "{{ states_attr('climate.main_floor', 'hvac_action', 'heating')}}"
        friendly_name: "Main floor thermostat is calling for heat"

Well you could certainly use that in the trigger of your automation. (Or you could use the template directly in a template trigger.) BTW, you need to change states_attr in your template to is_state_attr.