The catch here is that I want that every time - so if someone changed the cover to 70 and now my temperature sensor is still responding above 25 I want it to be triggered.
The problem is that numeric_state or template is triggered only when it goes from 25.0 above - it won’t be triggered when it was 26.5 and goes to 26.4 or 26.6.
How can I achieve an automation that is triggered basically every time when condition is true even when it was true before?
I think you need to add another trigger to your automation, based on the cover and threshold, say if its over 20%. Add an extra condition in the automation that the temperature is over 25c.
This might be annoying though if someone is trying to override the automation and open the shade, but hey its your house!
You could add a trigger for any XYZ cover change and then add a condition that the actions should only run if the temp is above your threshold. The only thing with that is the automation may respond fast enough that the cover never moves at all, and someone might think the thing they are clicking to get the cover to 70 is broken. You could add a delay in the action so the cover would move and then move back I guess.
Set the trigger to a numeric_state trigger, and trigger every time the temp changes.
Add a condition testing trigger.state > 25. That means if the temp > 25, run, otherwise don’t.
Add another condition that the cover position != 20. Don’r move if it don’t need movin.
Add your action to move your cover.
My advice for anyone writing automations, make yourself a flowchart like that, then start with the UI.
In that case I wrote it out, then realized it needed the second condition…