For some reason I can’t get the automation traces to show up in the GUI. These are automations of which I’ve been able to view traces for previously. They have unique ID’s set. The panel below the trace selector is completely blank. It’s the same case for all my automations so guessing it’s some kind of frontend issue… (cache clear does nothing to fix it)
still, this is not very clear, and I dont see any traces at all.
What I dont get either, is that above is mentioned the traces get reset at startup, but there is rather large saved_traces file in the .storage. Maybe that has changed in the last half year.
just found the id: needs to be a slugified alias really. no spaces, (and no special characters), not sure about the leading capital, but to be sure, this makes work:
instead of:
- alias: This is an automation
id: This is an automation
we need:
- alias: This is an automation
id: this_is_an_automation