Hello all,
Im trying to make a trigger for an Insteon fanlinc that is based on the % the fan is running. Here is what I got and its not working.
The scenes work as intended when activated independently so its gotta be the trigger im messed up on. Any advice on how to solve this?
- id: Master_Fan_high
alias: Master Fan High
platform: numeric_state
entity_id: fan.fanlinc_51_d0_cd_fan
above: .75
service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.M_Fan_High
- id: Master_Fan_Med
alias: Master Fan Med
platform: numeric_state
entity_id: fan.fanlinc_51_d0_cd_fan
above: .33
below: .75
service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.M_Fan_Med
- id: Master_Fan_Low
alias: Master Fan Low
platform: numeric_state
entity_id: fan.fanlinc_51_d0_cd_fan
below: .33
above: 0
service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.M_Fan_Low
August 11, 2019, 11:23pm
Try adding leading zeros to your numbers.
Check the developer tools state pages for the actual state of your fan. Is it 0.75 or is it 75% ?
(Nick Rout)
August 12, 2019, 5:58am
What do you mean “not working”? You do realise that the automation only triggers when the threshold is crossed. So if your fan is between, say, 0.33 and 0.75 all day, nothing will change.
I’ve tried both leading 0’s and doing it as percentages. Neither are working.
I understand that the thresholds need to be crossed to trigger it.
Here is what Im trying to do. When you use a voice assistant or an app to set the fan speed update the buttons. The scenes work as intended. Just not the automation that triggers the scene.
To follow up. When I check the states page it just lists as ON not a %. Any ideas?
August 13, 2019, 12:07am
That’s because of this:
Your state is on/off not speed.
Look at the far right right column on the states page. Which attribute has the speed?
Or is there a seperate fan sensor with the speed?
right side shows
speed: low
speed_list: off,low,medium,high
INSTEON Address: 51.D0.CD
INSTEON Group: 2
friendly_name: Master Bedroom Fan
supported_features: 1
I just changed the configuration to those values. However its still not triggering the automation.
the weird thing is off works as intended.
- id: Master_Fan_high
alias: Master Fan High
platform: state
entity_id: fan.fanlinc_51_d0_cd_fan
to: 'high'
service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.M_Fan_High
- id: Master_Fan_Med
alias: Master Fan Med
platform: state
entity_id: fan.fanlinc_51_d0_cd_fan
to: 'medium'
service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.M_Fan_Med
- id: Master_Fan_Low
alias: Master Fan Low
platform: state
entity_id: fan.fanlinc_51_d0_cd_fan
to: 'low'
service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.M_Fan_Low
- id: Master_Fan_Off
alias: Master Fan Off
platform: state
entity_id: fan.fanlinc_51_d0_cd_fan
to: 'off'
service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.M_Fan_Off
August 13, 2019, 1:40am
That is because the speed is an attribute not the state of the fan. You need to either use a template trigger to trigger on the attribute or create a template sensor and trigger on that.
platform: template
value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('fan.fanlinc_51_d0_cd_fan', 'speed', 'high') }}"
Do this for the other speed automations but leave the off automation as it is. Triggering on the state of the fan for that one is correct.
First thank you for the help, im only a few weeks into this and can only research so much on my own. I updated with your code and am getting this error.
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here
in “/config/automations.yaml”, line 5, column 21
Line 5 is the value_template line
- id: Master_Fan_high
alias: Master Fan High
platform: template
value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('fan.fanlinc_51_d0_cd_fan', 'speed', 'high') }}"
service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.M_Fan_High
August 13, 2019, 1:55am
Add one space to the platform indentation. It is not indented far enough (should be two spaces under the trigger).
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thats it. THANK YOU. This automation is finally working.
August 13, 2019, 3:26am
Redacted. Failed to read the entire thread before posting …
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