I created a helper timer that is easily set, paused, and otherwise manipulated via service calls. Works great!
I want to trigger other events/automations based on the amount of time remaining while the timer runs. For example, change the light color when there’s 5 minutes left on a 30-minute timer. Can’t figure out how to trigger these. The only options available in the UI are Duration and Restore.
The remaining attribute doesn’t update live, it updates when the timer is pause, cancelled, or finishes. I think the closest you can get (though not super accurate due to how templates based on now() update) is to use a template trigger:
- platform: template
value_template: |
{% set t_finish = state_attr('timer.kids_bath_fan_timer','finishes_at') %}
{{ false if t_finish is none else t_finish | as_datetime - now() <= timedelta(minutes=5) }}
this one’s a tough request (at least for me)… an interesting puzzle on how to do this at all cleanly. i have a way for you, but it’s more complicated and messy than @Didgeridrew 's one liner template…
but template sensors like that only update once at minute, and not necessarily on the minute boundary you may want…
if i had to do this i think i’d create a “5 minute left timer”… and that timer was set each time the main timer was started or restarted… cancelled when the main timer was cancelled or finished. and when stated, set the “5 minute left timer” again:
much easier if you can count on the timer never pausing and restarting… but anyways, here’s what i got for ya:
For example, when there’s a 30min request, we illuminate the 30min button and leave the others off. When there’s 15min left on the timer, the 15min button’s LED should turn on and the others turn off. And so on for the 10- and 5-minute buttons.
@Digeridrew might be on the right track by focusing on the finishes_at time, assuming the now() timedeltas are precise enough.
@armedad ‘s solution also gives me an idea. The desired function here will always be in 5-minute blocks between 5 and 30min. So all I need to do is define the number of iterations through a 5-minute loop, and perhaps update the number of iterations with new inputs as necessary.
now() and timedeltas are precise for when they are called. the issue you’re going to have is that the sensors you write will update only on minute granularity. so it can be in the extreme 59 seconds off. but averaged 30secs off. if that’s ok, then his method is definitely simpler!
if you think you will always only start and stop, then you can simplify my approach a bit.
I think it would be helpful if additional data can be passed to a timer (as an attribute) each time you start, pause, or resume it.
Is stead of needing multiple timers (like 30 minutes and a 5 minute timer), one timer can be used with a state value:
First start set the timer 25 minutes and a state value first step
When finished, you that can start the timer again for 5 minutes and state value second step
This would enable to create automations that use one timer , to act as a state machine