I have a frigate integration which it get its feed from a standalone go2rtc. The go2rtc may require a reboot from time to time. Is there a way to trigger an automation when the stream is not working?
When the go2rtc thing requires a reboot, can you ping it? IE is there a way to detect if it’s not available?
If you can determine a trigger, then have some way of interrupting the power or pushing the reset button, you have what you need.
This could help if it stops pinging when it needs reset…
Thanks for your reply.
go2rtc, frigate and hass are just containers running on the same machine. The machine runs fine. The go2rtc process requires a restart though.
OK, find a way to test it, put that logic into a boolean, and write an automation to restart it.
Or get real data on what’s happening and write an issue up to the go2rtc repo.