Hello guys,
i have a problem triggering my heatpump status automation.
My goal is to have the duration of my heatpump running in a sensor.
Therefor i use helper and created a “input_boolean.wp_status” and count the time this status is up with the following config in configaration.yaml:
It won’t continue to trigger if the sensor’s value continues to increase. It also won’t trigger again until the sensor’s value first decreases below the threshold of 10 and then increases above it
The sensor’s current value is 19.51. If it never decreased below 10 before increasing to 19.51 then it never triggered the Numeric State Trigger.
Maybe I am totally off (if so, sorry for that), but if I am not mistaking you don’t want to know the duration, bit you want it to toggle (turn off or on) after a certain time.
If so, why not just put a time in a input_datetime-helper and set a trigger to input_datetime-helper + timedelta( hours = x, minutes = y ) or you could even put off-time directly into the helper.
Third, but less reliable option in case of a reboot is to check the last_changed timestamp of the heat-pump switch and add the timedelta to that, to have it triggered.
Your requirements appear to have changed because now all you want to do is trigger when the sensor’s value is above or below 100. That’s easily done with a single automation.