Automation.trigger - Pass on Trigger ID


I have three automations setting the rooms for “night mode” - one for the bedroom, and two for the kids rooms. They turn on the night lamps, dim the lights and roll down the curtains.

Within these automations I have two triggers 1) A set time 2) Sunset

On 1) the lights etc. are triggered

On 2) Only the curtain rolls down

BUT - in case we arrive home late like 21.00 I have an automation that turns on the light etc., but also trigger the three “night mode” automations mentioned above, so the kids can just go straight to bed. But since I have two triggers in these automations with two different Trigger IDs nothing really happens when they are triggered by the “Automation.trigger” service, as no Trigger ID is passed on.

Would it be possible to implement the possibility to pass on a Trigger ID when using the automation.trigger service?



Question is: Why do you use “automation.trigger” in the first place.
I would put the actions into scripts, then have a plain frontend button to execute them “out-of-automation”
Even if this would be implemented, going to the dev tool and remembering the trigger id to specify seems quite cumbersome…

A part of the automation is already made of scripts. I am aware of solutions how to overcome this, splitting it in to two automations, create some new scripts similar to the automation etc.

But I was just wondering, since the Trigger ID was a fairly new (super nice) feature - which I use a lot, if this wasn´t a natural extension of it.