Automation triggered but does not run actions (since last update? 2022.10.4))

Is the trigger an Ikea or in general a Zigbee button?
I have your same issue since the upgrade and I think I saw a discussion regarding Ikea buttons stopped working after the update.

It is the tradfri ikea button:

What update you have on your mind? I have connected it to Deconz ConBee II

thats really weird, button on zigbee should still trigger events. Did a bump on version change the event content or did the event disappear? I have a hue button event automation… can check if that still works if that helps

I just had the same thing occur. Going to the automation page literally said “triggered” on the trigger every time I pressed the button. Yet nothing happened. Manually running the action worked as expected. Disabled and then re-enabled the automation and it works again.

I assume it is caused by improper set-up of triggers of deconz, but this happens occasionally and should be classified as a bug.

The following error ocurred prior to this issue ocurring:

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.new_automation_4
Source: components/automation/
Integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 3:34:08 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 3:34:08 PM

Got error 'No deconz_event tied to device "TRÅDFRI remote control" found' when setting up triggers for New Automation

I believe it happens if a Tradfri device is temporarily unavailable (e.g. due to battery having run out, or bad signal reception) when triggers are set up (e.g. when HA is restarted after an update).

The subsequent log entries when trying to trigger the automation of course act as if the automation does not properly exist and do not give any meaningful extra information, but included here for completeness:

2022-12-05 17:01:14.373 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydeconz.websocket] {"attr":{"id":"16","lastannounced":"2022-12-05T14:50:33Z","lastseen":"2022-12-05T16:01Z","manufacturername":"IKEA of Sweden","modelid":"TRADFRI remote control","name":"TRÅDFRI remote control","swversion":null,"type":"ZHASwitch","uniqueid":"xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx-xx-xxxx"},"e":"changed","id":"16","r":"sensors","t":"event","uniqueid":"xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx-xx-xxxx"}
2022-12-05 17:01:14.383 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydeconz.websocket] {"e":"changed","id":"16","r":"sensors","state":{"buttonevent":5002,"lastupdated":"2022-12-05T16:01:14.369"},"t":"event","uniqueid":"xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx-xx-xxxx"}
2022-12-05 17:01:14.392 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event deconz_event[L]: id=tradfri_remote_control, unique_id=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, event=5002, device_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Just to add to this I am (and have had for some time) the same issues as mentioned above.

I am running 2023.1.7 with a conbe2 via ZHA.

I have been having issues recently with zigbee and had tried all the usual usb change, extension cable, checking channels, etc and to no avail.

I tried doing some testing today and the results led me to this post.

Pretty much all zigbee buttons not responding.

I have checked via event listener that there is no unwanted or excessive traffic. Every button press is received loud and clear instantly.

Every automation shows the triggered (blue box) but no actions are ever run and therefor no trace is created.

If I run the automation via run it works perfectly and I have manual control over all the actions, as in I can switch every zigbee plug on via voice command (google) or via home assistant. So zigbee inputs and commands all working correctly.

If I create a new automation with exactly the same triggers (and actions) the new automation works perfectly.

If I reload automations the original automations still don’t work.

However if I disable and enable to original automations they then work correctly again.

Some button are smarthings and others are ikea, same issue.

I can’t get my head round why simply disabling and enabling the automation fixes the issue (but only temporarily it seems) yet reloading automations does not.

As I have now enabled them all, they are currently all working again, so limited for testing at present.

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Also got this with Deconz devices for several months.
I never thought it was a bug until I saw this thread.

I’m suffering the same issue since a couple of months ago.

If I look at the automation page when I push the zigbee button, the blue banner says it has received the event, but the actions of the automation don’t run.

If I execute the automation manually, all the steps complete flawlessly.

Looking at core logs, lines like these show up when reloading automations:

2023-02-17 20:43:33.851 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation] Automation with alias 'Interruptor luz habitación azul - alternar - apagar' failed to setup triggers and has been disabled: deCONZ trigger ('remote_button_short_release', 'turn_on') is not valid for device DeviceEntry(area_id=None, config_entries={'3e876c9d42e4428b613d614a22680349'}, configuration_url=None, connections={('zigbee', '84:b4:db:ff:fe:7a:54:9c')}, disabled_by=None, entry_type=None, hw_version=None, id='34346d513ac49363cd0480fab4553d36', identifiers={('deconz', '84:b4:db:ff:fe:7a:54:9c')}, manufacturer='IKEA of Sweden', model='Remote Control N2', name_by_user=None, name='Styrbar 001', suggested_area=None, sw_version='1.0.024', via_device_id='3cafd0fbf8ed7e9b05c25fbe2f4deb09', is_new=False) (34346d513ac49363cd0480fab4553d36)

Restarting HA may or may not resolve the issue. I mean, sometimes HA boots with the issue, some other times boots without it.

However, if the automation doesn’t trigger on button push, and I duplicate the trigger definition within the automation, then it runs successfully. Yep, just by defining something like “when (button1 is pushed) or (button1 is pushed)” the automation starts to fire. And, if you look at the automation page while pushing the button you can see 2 banners, one over every button pushed trigger condition.

I’m on Deconz with a ConBee 2 since Jan 2021.

Same issue here.
Push a button and see the triggering blue confirmation box but the action doesn’t run…
No trace.
Disable and enable the automation helps but the issue comes back every another week.
I put up an automation just to disable and enable the list of automations that aren’t working every day…
I hope there is a better way to resolve it.

Nice, I see I am not alone. Let me add. I am having same behavior with Aqara motion sensor. It detects motion but the light does not switch on. You wait 5mins, go back and the light switches on. In both occasions, the motion sensor detects motion.

Another behavior is that motion sensor blink blue (so it detects motion) but does not send any message to coordinator over zigbee network.

So I guess this might be more complex problem in zigbee networks in general. I do not have this automation problem in automation that do not involve zigbee.

Has anybody reported this behavior as a bug on github?

I updated to 2023.3.1

All of my automations stopped working (only showing the blue box that they got triggered)

Deactivated and activated all automations

Everything works again (for now), Thanks @rossk

Same here. All my automations with deConz show as triggered but action don’t run, then automations work after a disable and re-enable… Seems to have been an issue since around October like originally reported.

+1, same issue for me :man_facepalming:

I have something similar that I have been tracking down the last week. Disable/Re-Enable gets things working again. Happened again this morning. I am wondering if it is something with the previous run never completing and so it won’t trigger another run. How many of you with this issue have the Automation “Mode” set to “single” (which is the default mode)?

If I can reproduce the issue more reliably, vs just over time, I may set it to “parallel” to see if that masks the issue, and no longer occurs, but that still isn’t a fix, since some of the things in my automation shouldn’t be used in parallel executions.

Ok, so I figured out my issue… may or may not be the same issue as others above, but wanted to share my result in hopes it may help someone else.

So I found that my automation was being triggered, but after the initial run it would never run again. (disabling and re-enabling the automation made it work again for 1 run). This was due to it being “stuck”, I could see this in the developer-tools for the state, and seeing that the automation was set to “current: 1”. So I started ripping down my automation, and eventually deleted every action, and it was still doing it. I then cloned it, thinking it was something externally tied to that automation, but the duplicated one did the same thing (super odd). I then looked at the YAML, vs the UI, and saw that there was still an action there, that didn’t show up in the UI. It was for an action below, that had been renamed, so it trying to run this action, and getting stuck because the entity that it was running the action against no longer existed. I deleted that action that was hidden to the UI, and only showed up in the raw yaml, and my problem was resolved. FWIW, this was the yaml action:

  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: state
          - switch.av_on
        to: "on"
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This sounds like one cause but it appears to me there might be more causes to similar behavior. I just realized that two out of my three sprinklers won’t turn on despite the automation being triggered. A simple restart of the home assistant solves it, all three sprinklers turn on and I do not have any remnants in the automation yaml. So still in the dark rabbit hole.

And what I found interesting is that the automation showed blue box signalling it was triggered but the “last triggered” attribute remained untouched. But, it could be related a bit to the one above described by @frozenmatt because the “last triggered” attribute was about 30mins ago, so I was successful to run the automation recently but I did touch the (turned on/off) device directly in the devices list, which could somehow intervene into the flow of the automation to make at least the timer stuck. So it still could be related to the logic of automation we simply do not observe properly (or which has remnants as in the previous case).

We can try get help from some gurus such as @tom_l ?

New thread on the same issue

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Thanks @Vahaldor. Indeed, and it’s rather odd.

For anyone wanting to visibly see what we mean because I wouldn’t quite believe it if someone explained…

Glad to see I’m not the only one! Sad to see there doesn’t appear to be an official bug fix yet. In the mean time, I setup a daily automation that stops/starts all my failing automations. The only automations I see failing are those triggered by an aqara zigbee button. This bug appears to happen after several days to a few weeks for me, so a daily reset should mostly resolve it. Hope to see an official fix soon.