Automation triggers based on Frigate MQTT - ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘value_json’

I’m new to HA automation and trying to understand whole idea.
Right now I have only one integration - with frigate. Frigate is installed on separate container if that is important.
I’m trying to set telegram notifications - that was the only thing that comes to my mind that I can try without having whole bunch of smart devices.
So below is my automation setup:

alias: Notify on Person Detection
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: frigate/events
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ trigger.value_json['after']['label'] == 'person' or
      trigger.value_json['after']['camera'] == 'GARAGE_1' }}
  - service: notify.ha_bot
      message: Person movement detected on the GARAGE_1 camera!
        - url: >-
            trigger.payload_json['after']['id'] }}/snapshot.jpg
          caption: A person was detected on the GARAGE_1 camera.
mode: single

While trying to trigger that automation I’m receiving:

Error: In ‘template’ condition: UndefinedError: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘value_json’

If I’m right it means that I’m not receiving expected data - whether format is invalid and/or there is no data at all.
So I’ve tried to remove conditions and check if this will work while only watching at frigate/events - and it worked but of course without passing any data to url in action.
This is what I see in MQTT explorer - it looks fine for me.

Here you can find json: Codebin - frigate event
I’ve tried to change my automation in different ways but I’m always failing with this error.
Could you please advise what I’m doing wrong?

Should trigger.value_json just be value_json?

You need to use trigger.payload_json not trigger.value_json

      {{ trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] == 'person' or
      trigger.payload_json['after']['camera'] == 'GARAGE_1' }}


Thank you very much! I’ve changed that and automation starts to work.
I was going round in circles for past few days because of that.