When I manually turn off the “switch.fibaro_system_fgs223_double_relay_switch”, the automation no longer works, the triggers are no longer recognized automatically.
If I press trigger in my automation it works instead.
To make it work again I have to do “reload automation”.
Why? Is this normal or am I wrong?
Thank you.
Let me ask a dumb question first …
What do you mean by “not working” ?
Do you mean if the temperature is higher than 18° and it fall below it does not trigger ?
(It will have to rise above 18 to fall below to trigger again) But your conditions will never let this fire anyway. Mainly because you are asking it to check that it is AFTER 16:00 AND BEFORE 08:59 (ie they don’t overlap and therefore anding them makes it ALWAYS false
Edit: See below
Mainly because you are asking it to check that it is AFTER 16:00 AND BEFORE 08:59
(ie they don’t overlap and therefore anding them makes it ALWAYS false
Not true. Time conditions can span across midnight. You’re right about the numeric state trigger though.
I’ve just read that in the docs, so it must be true
ANY SANE person would not structure it that way and surely use an OR as this means it gets you in the right frame of mind when as your tag says “whatever the problem is, it can be solved in a template” (sorry, I paraphrased)
I See you’ve changed your avatar
Edit: Ahhhh ! I see you’ve just read Phils post about this very issue
If the switch is turned on and off when the temperature is 17.5 for example, I would expect the automation to trigger again the next time the temperature is detected.
In fact, if I press trigger manually the automation starts.
Why does it have to rise above 18 to trigger?
What I want to achieve is that the heating turns on if the temperature is below 18 ° between 16:00 and 8:59 (at night) and only if the energy consumption is less than 1600w.
What am I doing wrong?
This code is done with automation from UI.
Manual Trigger fires the automation regardless of conditions and by definition does not wait for a real Trigger.
Yeah ! we sort of guessed that
Let me clarify:
You only want it on between 16:00 through the night to 08:59 the next day AND only when the temp is below 18° AND the energy monitored via sensor.qubino_goap_zmnhtdx_smart_meter_s4_s5_s6_power is below 1600 ???
I didn’t know, I started recently.
So how do I go about starting the automation if the temperature is below 18?
And why if I do “reload auomation” with the temperature at 17.5 the automation starts correctly?
Not 100% sure on that, but on a ‘restart’ the sensor starts as ‘unknown’ and is then evaluated to (say) 17.5 so that counts. But just reloading the automations should not cause the sensor to change.
You will need two automations, one to turn the switch on and the other to turn it off
“On” - automation 1
trigger 1 would be going below 18 (but with a condition that its in your time gap)
trigger 2 (in same automation) would be the start of your time gap (16:00) with a condition that the temperature was already below 18
trigger 3 (in same automation) would be energy monitor going below 1600
ALL would have to pass the above conditions but also an extra condition that energy is currently less than 1600
“Off” - automation 2
trigger 1 would be the end of your time gap (condition irrelevant)
trigger 2 (in same automation) would be temp going above 18 (condition irrelevant)
trigger 3 (in same automation) would be energy monitor going above 1600 (condition irrelevant)
does that cover everything ?
Edit: this is not a good plan as consider your enegy is at (say) 1590, you turn something on, it’s now 1620, so switches stuff off. It’s now below 1600, switches stuff on … repeat ad-infinitum
So how much energy are you switching on ? (lets say 600W) so on if < 1300 off if > 1900 ? tweak to suit your needs
I already have a scene for turning off the heating and that works without problems in total autonomy or when I pass 18.2 or when I pass 2900w of power.
The problem is to turn on the switch when they are already under 18.
How can I do an automation with triggers linked to separate conditions as you have described to me?
Sorry I was out.
Yes, you have added the 2nd trigger to the automation, you may need the 3rd.
If you are happy with the off that’s fine.
Now we could set up a binary_sensor that is only ‘on’ between th he times you have specified AND if below 18 degrees AND if power is below 1600W
And we could then turn the switch on when the sensor is on and off when the sensor is off.
BUT if the switch is turned on, and then YOU turn the switch Off then it will be off despite the sensor being off. You would have to wait till the sensor turns off and then turns back on again for your switch to be turned on again.
So I don’t get your usage case where this isn’t working for you.
I’ll have to look at this tomorrow if you have some insights
Yeah, you said.
But why ?
If it triggers going below 18 (but not if it’s below 0.??? Why?) but isn’t after 1600 it stops
If it triggers at ‘going below 1600 but isn’t below 18 it stops
So if either trigger fires and is not blocked then your action will happen
Why should it then switch off unless YOU manually switch it off? The situation is not valid.
Why should you ever need it to retrigger’ because it’s below 18? (this is what I don’t get)
Today seems to work, perhaps yesterday, due to changes, hassio has gone into confusion.
For the temperature you read wrong, I put it above 0 degrees and below 18 degrees.
Now I try it for a few days and see what happens.
Thank you!
This afternoon around 5 pm I had a consumption above 3200W and the heating went off correctly.
The temperature has started to drop and the automation has not started even if all the conditions are valid for triggering it …
I don’t understand why
When it fell below 15 degrees I reloaded the automation and everything went back to working.
Yes, the automations were those and I hadn’t made any changes.
But in the conditions I don’t have to put “AND” for all the conditions to be verified together?