I’m trying to get a handle on using notifications eg pushbullet or pushover using the Automations UI, but have hit a wall with the action.
Under ‘Action type’ I’ve got ‘Call service’.
Under ‘Service’ I’ve got ‘notify.pushover’
What am I supposed to put in ‘Service data’, assuming that I just want to send a simple message? I’ve tried putting in ‘message: This is a test’ but nothing appears to happen.
I’ve had a look at the docs, but the examples I’ve found seem to be very complicated for simple testing purposes.
Use the SERVICES tab of the Developer Tools page to figure out the service parameters. Once you get it working there it should be obvious what you need to use in the automation editor. (Although I don’t use that editor, so I don’t know for sure if how you enter the information there is any different than how you do it on the SERVICES page.)
I found what the problem was - I’d only got pushover installed on HA, so the messages went nowhere. When I installed it on my Android 'phone, the messages were sent there.