Automation uses the "turned on by..." identifier?

Hi there,
For now several versions, I have noticed the info about switches has evolved, and is able to address who/which trigger has started a switch on or off. For example on the switch below, person.felix (i.e connected to UI) triggered it on and an automation trigger turned it off.


I would like to create dependency on an automation to read this info and adapt accordingly to WHO ordered the switch off/on. The reason is that, whenever some person triggered the switch, it shall preempt upon the automatic turnoff by an offline automation.

In nodered, the identifier is visible under the, but the content is an id, which i have no idea how to read with a call.

In the entity, there is no atribute on WHO turned on of off. Does anyone know how to trap the identity of the person/event actioning the switch?

Many thanks in advance,