I have motion sensors in my kitchen and in my 1st hallway.
When I go into my kitchen from the 2nd hallway that does not have a motion sensor, I want the kitchen sensor to turn on the lighs in the kitchen to 100% brightness and only 20% in the 1st hallway.
Then when I activate the motion sensor in the 1st hallway I want it to go up to 100% brightness.
And the same when I go into the 1st hallway(with all lights off) I want the light in the hallway at 100% and the kitchen to be at 20% brightness. And then the kitchen at 100% when I activate the kitchen sensor.
Is all this possible using just one automation or do I need to create several ?
Create as many automations as you need to implement your requirements. Once everything is working to your satisfaction, review the automations and decide if there’s any benefit to consolidating them. That’s the approach I have used.