Automation with a specific sequence of events

I want to do an automation able to distinguish that an event has to happen before the other one.
I have a motion sensor in the other side of the door and a vibration sensor in the door.
If the vibration sensor event happens before the motion within 10 secs means that someone is going outside.
If the motion sensor event happens before the vibration means someone is coming in.

Depending on the condition I want to do different automation.

How can I do this? In an easy way :slight_smile:

Use two automations:

Going outside:

  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.vibration
    to: 'on'
  - wait_for_trigger: 
    continue_on_timeout: false
    timeout: '00:00:10'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.motion
        to: 'on'

Going inside:

  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.motion
    to: 'on'
  - wait_for_trigger: 
    continue_on_timeout: false
    timeout: '00:00:10'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.vibration
        to: 'on'

I have it working now, but I need to add more complexity.

I need another automation

Trigger is:

  • Automation ABC has been triggered.

Actions (I know how to do this part):

I have read this

But I am not sure how to apply this to my case
How do I find the event name of an automation?

Although you idea of using “wait to trigger” action works is there a way to do this as a condition? I mean wait during 10 mins to see if this condition is meet… then do actions based on codition.

iirc, an automation being “on” only means it’s activated, able to run, not that it is “running”. Scripts, on the other hand, are “on” if running and “off” if not. You might be able to incorporate that by using a script from your automation. You could also set an input Boolean in your triggered automation and use that as a trigger for the automation you want to run when the first one runs, and even include the delay. I use that technique.

@tom_l – how would you do this if you had a series of THREE triggers? e.g. I’ve got motion sensors a the bottom, middle, and top of my driveway and want to use a series to determine if someone is coming up or going down the driveway.

The same way as for two sensors but with an extra wait for trigger. You could do it with trigger ids and choose actions or (a lot simpler) two automations:

Automation: up drive:

trigger: bottom of drive sensor
actions: wait for trigger middle, then wait for trigger top. Then notify.

Automation: down drive:

trigger: top of drive sensor
actions: wait for trigger middle, then wait for trigger bottom. Then notify.

In all wait for triggers, set continue on timeout false.