Automation with data, trigger and condition variables

Hi, if anyone could help it would be great - I’m trying to create an automation(s) that is seemingly quite complex for me. I have 5 AC’s connected via IntesisHome integration - generally they work great. The entities are: climate.a,climate.b … climate.e
In addition I have alexa’s which I notify via: notify.alexa_media_a, notify.alexa_media_b … notify.alexa_media_z
and lastly a few iPhones which are notified (actionable push) notify.mobile_app_a notify.mobile_app_b etc’
what I’d like to do is:
If AC state is changed from “off” to anything else:
A. Notify on alexa which AC (climate.X) has been turned on
B. send push message to one or more iPhones that AC (climate.X) has been turned on and have action to a. turn it off, b. send [input text] to X alexa with [input text] message.

Are all these variables possible? I have something kind of working that does this but only for one at a time and I’d rather not make all the permutation if possible via variables, here is what I have so far:

automation to trigger push and alexa

- id: '158900000000'
  alias: AC Turned On
  description: Someone turned on their Air Conditioner
  - entity_id: climate.a,climate.b,climate.c,climate.d
  condition: []
  - data_template:
          category: intesis_ac
      message: '{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} just changed to {{
        trigger.to_state.state }}'
      title: AC state changed
    service: notify.mobile_app_a
  - data:
        type: tts
      message: test 1
    service: notify.alexa_media_a

push call back

- id: '15909999999'
  alias: Notification TTS Button single
  description: sends tts to single alexa from push
  - event_data:
  condition: []
  - data_template:
        type: tts
      message: '{{["textInput"] }}'
    service: notify.alexa_media_a

Don’t know about all the requests you’ve made, just a short note:

Your automation will also trigger when the AC turns off, to make it trigger when it turns from off to anything:

  - entity_id: climate.a,climate.b,climate.c,climate.d
    from: off
    platform: state

@fedot thanks, I actually have that in the new code and a few other fixes, but the whole variable thing is what’s confusing to me (where/when to use data_template, can the be nested, etc’) anyone who can point me in the right direction would be much obliged