I dont succeed in an automation, that switches on a light, depending in the chosen value from a dropdown.
The dropdown works in the dashboard, but I dont geht the light illuminating when the current time is identically to the chosen time from the dropdown.
Does anybody have something compareable and can please paste the yaml Code for the automation?
The values in the dropdown are:
4 PM
5 PM
6 PM
1 hour after sundown
I have added the three entities by myself (all helpers):
This is a boolean input. On and off are the values. It is a simple switch, that shows the options for the times (switching on and off).
This are two dropdown menus for choosing the time, for switching the light on and switching it of.
My idea is to use the entity “input_boolean.office-light_activation” as a trigger for the automation. If it is off, the automation shall not run.
description: ""
mode: single
- trigger: state
- input_boolean.office-light_activation
to: "on"
conditions: []
actions: []