Automation with if else clause in the action part (not working)

Helle there,

I am struggling to get the following running properly.

I wish to build an automation, which will be triggert when a FoH Switch will be double pressed for 2 seconds. The condition checks whether the state of my harmony hub is “PowerOff”. So far so good and is working like I wish. Then in the Action part, I will start an Action (Streaming) from the harmony hub, but before there should be an if else clause which checks whether the switch.energie_medien is in the state “off” and if yes, then switch it on, because this is needed, that the harmony Action could be startet successfully.

My Code looks like this:

alias: FoH Start Streaming Action with double_upper_press
  description: ""
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.sensor_hue_foh_wohnzimmer
      to: double_upper_press
      for: "2"
    - condition: state
      entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
      state: PowerOff
      attribute: current_activity
    - service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: >
          {% if is_state('states.switch.energie_medien.state', 'off') %}- switch.energie_medien{% else %}None{% endif %}
    - delay: 00:00:01
    - service: remote.turn_on
        activity: Streaming
      entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
    - delay: 00:00:03
    - service: media_player.turn_on
        entity_id: media_player.samsung_tv

So the yaml editor will not generate any error, but the part which should start the switch.energie_medien won’t be executed. When I put the Template part in the Template Engine, then there is also a problem. When I change “off” in “on” nothing changes, so I think there must be an problem with the statement.

Could someone bring some light into the darkness for me?

Any tipp or hint is much appericated.

    - choose:
        - conditions:
            - condition: state
              entity_id: switch.energie_medien
              state: 'off'
            - service: switch.turn_on
              entity_id: switch.energie_medien
    - delay: 00:00:01
    - service: remote.turn_on
        activity: Streaming
      entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
    - delay: 00:00:03
    - service: media_player.turn_on
        entity_id: media_player.samsung_tv

@tom_l This is the solution <3 There are so many things to learn about this beautiful peace of software. Thank you so much to help me out.

Typo; duplicated service option.

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Thanks, fixed.