Hi again and sorry, i’m trying to move my old Domoticz script to HASS which should close my blinds when i left home, but for two specific blinds only if “soggiorno_imposta” or “camera_imposta” isn’t opened.
I tried to build using the GUI and obtain this, which indeed do nothing when triggered. Any help? There’s a way to add an IF -> THEN -> ELSEIF script?
Thanks in advance:
- conditions:
- condition: and
- condition: state
entity_id: person.andrea
state: not_home
- condition: state
entity_id: person.ilaria
state: not_home
- condition: state
entity_id: group.group_blind
state: 'on'
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: and
- condition: device
device_id: f886bf360ee04ae5b898a4361d0840de
domain: cover
entity_id: cover.soggiorno_tapparella_level_2
type: is_open
- condition: device
device_id: 22ab76662075413f984575d8f74e73c0
domain: binary_sensor
entity_id: binary_sensor.soggiorno_imposta_sensor_3
type: is_off
- device_id: f886bf360ee04ae5b898a4361d0840de
domain: switch
entity_id: switch.soggiorno_tapparella_switch_2
type: turn_off
default: []
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: and
- condition: device
device_id: 3518bf5bae5046ea85e0cd27e8fa500e
domain: cover
entity_id: cover.camera_tapparella_level
type: is_open
- condition: device
device_id: 82947c5d050b4797a3fb83cba83ac1b1
domain: binary_sensor
entity_id: binary_sensor.camera_imposta_sensor_3
type: is_off
- device_id: 3518bf5bae5046ea85e0cd27e8fa500e
domain: switch
entity_id: switch.camera_tapparella_switch
type: turn_off
default: []
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: device
device_id: b1b3f92c6a224089a723e1aedc05fb7b
domain: cover
entity_id: cover.camerina_tapparella_level_5
type: is_open
- device_id: b1b3f92c6a224089a723e1aedc05fb7b
domain: switch
entity_id: switch.camerina_tapparella_switch_5
type: turn_off
default: []
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: device
device_id: 28de000732264351b9d9cfea457c53b1
domain: cover
entity_id: cover.cucina_tapparella_level_4
type: is_open
- device_id: 28de000732264351b9d9cfea457c53b1
domain: switch
entity_id: switch.cucina_tapparella_switch_4
type: turn_off
default: []
default: []