From the Google assistant it is possible to execute the Scenes but not the Automations, so I tried to create a Scene with the automation entity but, even so, the Scene does not launch the automation.
How can I do?
Which HA release are you running?
Scene did not have any state in the past and thus were not able to trigger any automation.
This just changed in the latest HA release - See: 2022.2: Let's start streamlining! - Home Assistant
If you are running 2022.2 already - how did you define the trigger?
Why not using input_boolean instead or even better input_botton?
That’s how I do for alexa integration.
Hello and thanks
yes, I have ver 2022.2, and I was hoping it was enough to insert automation as the “Entity” of the scene but, this doesn’t work.
If I create an input_botton, how can I do automation?
Forgive me, I have been using HA for a few months and for me, it is not very intuitive,
Well anything you can do with an automation within a scene is to turn the automation “on” or “off”.
That does not mean the automation is triggered - it is just enable or disabled in general (where enable/disable means it executes in case of an trigger or does not execute).
So it is like pressing this button in the UI:
That said you have two options:
A) Trigger an automation based on the scene:
- id: test_automation
alias: test_automation
description: 'Any test automation'
- id: 'scene_on'
platform: state
entity_id: scene.my_test_scene
- service: system_log.write
message: "Main - started"
logger: homeassistant.components.automation.test_automation
level: critical
B) Trigger the automation based on the input_button:
name: Test_InputButton
- id: test_automation
alias: test_automation
description: 'Any test automation'
- id: 'button_on'
platform: state
entity_id: input_button.test_input_button
- service: system_log.write
message: "Main - started"
logger: homeassistant.components.automation.test_automation
level: critical
Maybe I explained myself wrong and I apologize.
I am not an expert in HA and every time I ask for help, I have to interpret lines of an Alien language that have no logic for me and end up with copy and paste and many attempts.
I don’t have to activate the automation, I just have to run it
I have some automation eg. “open the ports” which, I would just like to run from Google Assistant as a Routine
Thanks again for your patience
Hi Nettuno,
I see what you are saying…never the less I think understanding your home should one of the key factors - if not as you said you will always just copy & paste.
So it really makes sense to learn YAML (alien language ) and walk through the (really great and detailed) documentation.
If you are not willing to invest time in yourself to understand / do trial&error how your home automation works, you alternatively should think about making a contract with professional companies in this market are which will take care for your needs.
Okay - so never did this in the GUI previously.
But I think these are more or less the same triggers as I used in the YAML:
Does this help better?
You can create a script, which you can probably expose to your Google Assistant (I wouldn’t know how), and call that same script in your automation.
Thank you, it works like this.
I had the VERA system for my home automation, much more intuitive.
HA is certainly more complete but not very intuitive; to make the alarm system I went crazy! I had to create files, install hacs package, add integrations, create input_bolean, insert codes and lots of coffee, just to arm and disarm sensors!
Everything seems tiring with HA.
However now everything works and I thank you.