Automation with state trigger not firing


I have an automation with the following state trigger:

  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.venting
      - input_boolean.heating

The automation should run if one of two input_boolean switches is toggled.
This used to work at some point as I had this in place for months/years.

Today, running v2022.4.3, I noticed that this automation does not fire anymore.
Regardless of which of the two switches I toggle, the automation does not run (no sign in the logbook).

Any ideas?


Problem solved:
Apparently I half-heartedly modified the template condition:-clause of the automation some time ago, ending up with using a mixture of a “states('entity')” function and the older “states.entity_id.state” type variable for a comparison.
While syntactically correct, the resulting expression made no sense at a second glance.

It’s strange though that the automation did not get triggered only to fail at the condition clause.
This way I would at least seen it in the logs and known that the issue must be within the automation yaml file.
