Automation with TP-Link LB130 rgb bulb

I have been using Home Assistant for two months and I have implemented some simple automations with bulbs.

Now I have bought a multicolor "TP-Link LB130" bulb, but when I include the attributes xy_color or rgb_color in the automations, they are not triggered.

However, manually, by moving the cursor in the RGB circle, I can change the color.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for the help

We’ll never know if you don’t post your automations. (And when you do, please follow the instructions at the top of the page so they format properly.)

Thank you for your interest. This first automation works correctly.

# Escenarios de Iluminación **********
- id: '1547115686533'
  alias: Escenarios de Iluminación
  - at: '07:30:00'
    platform: time
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: light.bombilla_rgb
      brightness: 25
      color_temp: 400
    service: light.turn_on
  - delay: 00:00:30
  - data:
      entity_id: light.bombilla_rgb
      brightness: 255
      color_temp: 111
    service: light.turn_on
  - delay: 00:01:00  
  - data:    
      entity_id: light.bombilla_rgb
    service: light.turn_off

In this second one, I have added the parameter xy_color:, theoretically supported by the TP-Link LB130 bulb. In this case the automation is not triggered.

# Despertar agradable
- id: '1549741610990'
  alias: Despertar agradable
  - at: '7:30:00'
    platform: time
  condition: []
  - data:  
      entity_id: light.bombilla_rgb
      brightness: 25
      color_temp: 400
      xy_color: 0.5119,0.4147
    service: light.turn_on
  - delay: 00:00:30
  - data:  
      entity_id: light.bombilla_rgb
      brightness: 255
      color_temp: 111
      xy_color: 0.5119,0.4147
    service: light.turn_on
  - delay: 00:01:00
  - data:  
      entity_id: light.bombilla_rgb
    service: light.turn_off

Thanks in advance

I think there are a couple of problems with the second automation. First, I think you should use either color_temp or xy_color, but not both. Second, xy_color needs to be a list, but you’ve entered a comma separated string. Try:

  - data:  
      entity_id: light.bombilla_rgb
      brightness: 25
      xy_color: [0.5119,0.4147]
    service: light.turn_on

Thank you very much for your reply. I will correct the errors.

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I have made the modifications and everything works as I wish.
Although I had carefully read the document about lights, my lack of basic knowledge had led me to misinterpretations.
Thanks to your help I can keep moving forward.
Apologies for my clumsy English.

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