Automation with variable trigger

I’ve got a dehumidifier that I want to turn off when it reaches a certain level, but that level is dependent on the humidity of the floor above it. (i.e. if its 33% humidity upstairs, running the dehumidifier 100% will NEVER get it less than 3% above that value).

Here’s what I have for that automation so far, but its reported as invalid.

- alias: basementDryEnough
  - below: '{{state_attr("climate.downstairs_tstat", "current_humidity")|float+4}}'
    entity_id: sensor.basementdehumidifier_am2301_humidity
    platform: numeric_state
    condition: and
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ states.sensor.basementdehumidifier_am2301_humidity.state
        < (state_attr("climate.downstairs_tstat", "current_humidity")|float +4) }}'
  - data:
      payload: 'OFF'
      topic: basementDehumidifier/cmnd/POWER
    service: mqtt.publish
  - data:
      entity_id: climate.downstairs_tstat
      fan_mode: auto
    service: climate.set_fan_mode

Use a template trigger. You already have the correct template but you’re using it as a cond for some reason. Just move that up in to a template trigger and get rid of the condition block.

Alright, I’ll give that a try. Will report back.

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So this is what I’ve written, but it still doesn’t seem to be firing.

- alias: basementDryEnough
- platform: template
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.basementdehumidifier_am2301_humidity.state
    < (state_attr("climate.downstairs_tstat", "current_humidity")|float +4) }}'
condition: []
- data:
    payload: 'OFF'
    topic: basementDehumidifier/cmnd/POWER
  service: mqtt.publish
- data:
    entity_id: climate.downstairs_tstat
    fan_mode: auto
service: climate.set_fan_mode
id: 5c4e53f3d1f44577841633cc4d85d186

Can’t see the full template in your post, can you re-paste?

Sorry about that. Should be updated now.

I’ve had to reorder it a bit so it makes sense in my brain, but this should be right…

- id: 5c4e53f3d1f44577841633cc4d85d186
  alias: basementDryEnough
    platform: template
    value_template: >
      {{ states('sensor.basementdehumidifier_am2301_humidity')|int 
        < (state_attr('climate.downstairs_tstat' , 'current_humidity')|int + 4) }}
    - service: mqtt.publish
        payload: 'OFF'
        topic: basementDehumidifier/cmnd/POWER
    - service: climate.set_fan_mode
        entity_id: climate.downstairs_tstat
        fan_mode: auto

Once you’ve pasted it in and restarted, make sure the automation is on. Let me know :slightly_smiling_face:

Out of curiosity, why int and not float? considering the values im getting are decimal numbers (i.e. 38.4%)

You can use floats if you want, I just tend to round everything to ints.

Ah ok. I’ve got it working now. Thanks for the help!

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No worries, please mark as solved :+1: