Automation with wifi connect

Hi guys, I need some help I would like to make an automation starting from this wifi sensor from not connected to connected.
to open a door.thank you this is the sensor

{{ states('sensor.stk_lx1_wifi_connection') }}

What are the states of this sensor? Get these from Developer Tools / States. Are you sure it’s not a binary sensor?

How does HA open your door?

With answer to those, I would have thought you could create an automation via the UI fairly easily, but come back here if you get stuck.

Open the door with shelly1v3

Set a State Trigger looking for your wifi connection going To connected or whatever the actual state is.
Ignore the conditions, and set an Action to operate your Shelly (either Call Service / Turn On; or something under Device — you’ve not given nearly enough information to help further).

alias: prova
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.stk_lx1_wifi_connection
    from: <not connected>
    - Home&Life SuperWiFi-DBCD.EXT1
    - Home&Life SuperWiFi-DBCD.EXT
    - Home&Life SuperWiFi-DBCD
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: light.led
mode: single

That’s how I fixed it, thanks for all the help.

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