Automation with ZWave sensors : window sensor setting operation mode of heating valves

Hello everyone,

I am currently using (or starting to use) Home Assistant with ZWave heat valves and window sensors.
The setup is pretty basic and I just would like to clear out some assumptions for which I didn’t found the answers into the documentation.

  1. First assumption: when monitoring the binary state of a group of sensor, what does it take for the value of the group to be considered “off” or “on” ? I am especially interested in the on to off transition (ie: when window is being closed). I would like the automation to trigger only if all windows are closed and not just because one sensor of the group changed its state to off.

  2. Second assumption is about the heating mode in the below automation. I do set the operation mode of some zwave heating valves to “Heat” or “Off” depending on whether windows are open or not. However, I do not change the target temperature and other automations are still running using the time platform, changing the target temperature as well. I am wondering if the operating mode set to off will really make the heating valve (on radiator) stop the heating system, or, in other words: how does this work with the target temperature being also defined?

The automation I use:

  • alias: WINDOW_OPEN
    hide_entity: True
    • platform: state
      entity_id: group.window_sensors
      from: ‘off’
      to: ‘on’
    • service: climate.set_operation_mode
      entity_id: group.climate_all
      operation_mode: Off

A group of binary sensors is on if any member of the group is on, and off if all members of the group are off.

I would say it depends on the specific climate platform. I know with my thermostat (a Nest Thermostat), if I change it to off and back “on” (or back to whatever mode it was before I turned it off) it keeps the target temp.

Thx for the anwsers. The climate platform is based on some Devolo zwave heating valves (no main thermostat, I only control each radiators I put in groups).

It’s Indeed nice if it remembers the target temp but my initial question relates to the system behavior when I set the operating mode to off. If I set the operating mode to off I would still see the target temp display on the valve. So I am wondering what it really does? It could remember the target temp but will it really stop heating even if the target temp is still set?

Any one, any idea on my last question ?
What does the zwave climate operating mode set to off do if the target temperature remains set ? Will the radiator stop heating or not?

Many thanks in advance