Automation without yaml

Hello everyone, here is the case. I’am looking for a programmer, who would help with configurations (issues with IP camera, RF switches via broadlink and some others) and will write an automation, so I need to know how to search. I would like you to give me an info, which kind of programmers should I look for. Should we use python or js for automation (I would like to have automation, written not in HA. I want to integrate my scripts in HA. I’ve read, that it could be done on Node JS)? And should the programmer know the yaml?
So, here is 2 tasks for programmer
-Configurations (broadlink, IP camera)
And 2 questions
-Should programmer know the yamle for my first task?
-Can we write automation not in HA (if yes, what should we use? JS, or it does not really matter?)

Really no one wants to send some help&info?

Not quite sure why you dont want to use YAML.

Have you looked in the cookbook for suggestions on how to do things WITH YAML?

If you really dont want to use YAML, you can look at maybe using AppDaemon - whcih can be setup programmatically I believe (I dont use it)

Thank you for answer. I want to have automation not inside the HA. I might change the platform in the future, so I want universal code for integtating with other platforms. So I am not sure if yaml is ok for another platforms and maybe it should be written on JS or smth.
And actually, yaml is a lot rarer, so it’s hard to find a programmer

Just want 2 thing. How to get out my automation from HA (if I need) and which programmer should I look for

At the moment, I don’t see that it is possible to write automations that will work with other platforms. The internal concepts are too different.

However, appdaemon 3 has introduced the concept of plugins which might in the future be able to talk to other platforms, which may be what you are looking for.

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Got you, thanks.
I heard from openhab-guy, that he wrote automation on node JS so he can use platform just for protocols and can change it in future. THat is why I’m asking
Ok, if I’m on HA, which programmer should I find? I can’t find programmer fo Home Assistant here yet, maybe I can just work with average programmer? Is it necessary to be a yaml pro or smth like that?

I do my automations in Node-Red because i control custom designed Hardware via Node Red.
It´s easy and visually, so i stayed with that for Automations with the Home-Assistant Node you can install.

This is simply not possible with home assistant.

for open-hab…

Why do you need a programmer? YAML isn’t difficult. It’s not even a programming language, just markup for python to read and execute. It’s actually quite simple once you get around the difficulty of the spacing requirements.

You can use Node-Red for automations, but you still need YAML to configure the devices within Home Assistant. Perhaps you need a more off-the-shelf solution if you are not willing to configure Home Assistant?

Thank you, now I read more about yaml
And I do need HA, because I cant get system working on z-wave+ 433 wall light switches. Or I am using all z-wave (some issues with live and neutral in old russian walls, so I simply cant use z-wave on lights), or I am using simple and not really clever broadlink or mi home from xiaomi.
I wanna controll lights, climate, watch cameras, sensors, use siri and so on. So i do need to get into HA. And it is interesting, i just thought, yaml is hard, now I am interested, thank you
And actually I’m really new in programming, just used css and html and that’s it.

then yaml should not seem hard at all. It is just a markup language, much like html.


I agree with flaming0e. I think of YAML as configuration, not programming.

the hard work is done, you just need to configure your devices and then you can do some simple conditional test to make things happen.

I will be pleasful for one more advice. What if I would like to get the system more intelligente. For example make it deviding human amd animal, or smth like face id. Like it can understand that there is man in the room, so the system does “this” part of automation… I do understand that it is just another level, but I want to know if it is possible to use some algoritms written on python for example in this system? So how can I integrate it?
I thought, that automatin should be written on python or js and simply be put inside raspberry pi in some folder, but now, as I more understand how automation works, I am starting thinking that it will be impossible to make an algoritms for neural network working with system

Dont wont to make another topic for keeping forum more clesn, so would be pleasful if you also will give an advice about ma comment on future algotims and inteligente system, so I will need all this just like an instrument and the main “smarty” thing will be done by symple AI

Or I need to make my own “HA” if I want intelligente things, or it is possible to make AI controlling everything from HA