Automation won't trigger when too early in the morning

I have this strange situation. Time based automatons won’t fire at certain times.

For instance, this doesn’t trigger:

alias: am 05:25 Lights on at sunrise
description: ''
  - platform: time
    at: '05:25:00'
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
      area_id: living_room
      brightness_pct: 10
      kelvin: 5000
mode: single

But if I change the time to 6:12am, it does trigger:

alias: am 05:25 Lights on at sunrise
description: ''
  - platform: time
    at: '06:12:00'
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
      area_id: living_room
      brightness_pct: 10
      kelvin: 5000
mode: single

I’m running HA on a QNAP NAS, using docker (container station). The NAS goes to sleep every day at .:30 am and wakes up at 5:10 am.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re turning off HA every night and starting the container again at 5:10 AM?
If so, HA may not be fully operational in 15 minutes. Some of my restarts take longer than that to fully load.

I thought the same thing, but I did some experiments and I don’t think that’s the problem. Last night I woke the NAS at 5:00 am, and still light related automations before 6:00 am didn’t trigger.
On my logbook, OpenWeatherMap Forecast Time changed at 5:01 AM
Internet Time changed at 5:13 am for the first time.
But the first light automation run at 6:02am. The ones that I have scheduled between 5:22 and 5:58 didn’t run.

During the day I tried to send the NAS to sleep, and then wake it up 20 mins later. I found that in this case, HA gets up and running automatons in one minute.

Ok, I have an update. And it’s weird. I left the automations alone for the day, and they eventually fired, but at a time where they shouldn’t.
firefox 19 November 2021 (11-11 AM) (988)

It was supposed to fire at 05:58 am but it fired at 10:23 am

Any idea where the problem might be?