Automations and scripts empty?

I have HAS ( v2022.6.1) running on docker. Last night I rebooted in docker (with container) and it crashed with an error 500. I did some investigations, moved the configuration.yaml etc and finally I discovered the problem had to do with the USB port. I had two USB ports (one for the DSMR and one for the 433Mhz device). I removed the 433 Mhz device because I do not use it anymore. The /dev/ttyUSB1 port then changed to /dev/ttyUSB0. After modifying the container resources in portainer (changed USB1 to USB0) Home Assistant was working again (after a some sleepless nights:)). But now I faced another problem. Everything is working again great but my Automations and scripts are empty in the HAS interface. The blueprint and scenes tab are not empty. I tried all kind of tips but untill now no succes. I checked my YAML with HAS and there where no errors. Also the log is showing no errors. Any tips would highly appreciated!

automations.yaml file (snippet)

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

 automation: !include automations.yaml
 script: !include scripts.yaml
 scene: !include scenes.yaml

automations.yaml (snippet)

- id: '1648803417878'
  alias: Livingroom lights
  description: lights on
  - platform: sun
    event: sunset
    offset: '-900'
  - platform: device
    device_id: dedad078b161d406948475fed71dexxx
    domain: zwave_js
    type: event.value_notification.central_scene

I am having the same issue right now with Homeassistant OS 8.2 and HA 2022.07.3 :frowning:

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Same, no automation on reboot and it takes ages to perform an update.
Getting worse with every new

Home Assistant 2022.7.6
Supervisor 2022.07.0
Operating System 8.2
Frontend 20220707.1 - latest

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