Automations delayed

Hello, i created one automation with presence and it works perfect: when i connect to wifi light in my home entrance will be turned on. But because my phone connect to wifi when i am in elevator i added to automation dalay of 180 seconds. Was too much. I tried to 120 and 90 but it’s looks like system continue to turn on light after 180 seconds. I deleted line in automation conf about delay but it continue to turn on light later. SOmebody can tell me ife automation will be not saved only in automations.yalm?
Thank you

After modifying the automation, did you run either one of these commands?

  • Configuration > General > Reload Automations
  • Configuration > General > Restart

Sorry i forget to write, yes i made some days ago. Reloaded automations, system … computer , everything

Tonight i deleted all delay in all automations (was 2-3 more automations with delay) and now looks like everything is ok. Maybe i have to tell something because delay will be not pass to next automation?
For example in this case second automation was late but has not delay inside:

    alias: Rientro maryna
    • entity_id: device_tracker.telefono_s9_maryna
      from: not_home
      platform: state
      to: home
      condition: []
    • data:
      entity_id: switch.cappa_cucina
      service: switch.turn_on
    • delay: ‘60’
    alias: E arrivata maryna
    • entity_id: device_tracker.telefono_s9_maryna
      from: not_home
      platform: state
      to: home
      condition: []
    • data:
      entity_id: group.multimedia
      message: è arrivata marina
      service: tts.google_say

It’s impossible to see anything as you have not bothered with formatting your code!

Having said that, your delay is doing nothing if it’s the last action in an automation and actions do not flow from one automation to the next.