Automations don't run


I am new to Home Assistant and installed it last weekend on my RPi3.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to run any automation yet. Neither with the trigger time, nor with the change of action of the harmony hub. I have tried setting the automations by hand and also by using the editor. The automations are shown on the start page of and if i click them i can press the “run” button and in my case the light turns on.

I have created the automations in the automations.yaml, which is loaded by default using “automation: !include automations.yaml”.

This is what the automation editor creates and what’s not run (which I guess isn’t right):

 - id: '1535114496841'
      alias: Test1
      - at: '14:45:00'
        platform: time
      condition: []
      - alias: ''
          entity_id: light.licht_schrank
        service: light.turn_on

I corrected this one to look more like I thought it has to:

 - id: '1535114496841'
      alias: Test1
      - platform: time
        at: '14:45:00'
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.licht_schrank

Also an automation using my harmony doesn’t work (Again created by using the editor):

  • id: ‘1535114496841’
    alias: Test1
    • entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
      from: PowerOff
      platform: state
      to: Apple TV 4
    • alias: ‘’
      entity_id: light.licht_schrank
      service: light.turn_on

Does anybody has an idea why my automations don’t run?

 - id: '1535114496841'
      alias: Test1
      - platform: time
        at: '14:45:00'
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.licht_schrank

Should look like this…

 - id: '1535114496841'
   alias: Test1
     - platform: time
       at: '14:45:00'
     - service: light.turn_on
         entity_id: light.licht_schrank

It should then work :slight_smile: however check the logs and or use the check config button under the configuration menu item.

Thanks :slight_smile: , just replaced my complete automations.yaml by your code.

Cleared Logs to get rid of anything that was there before.
Check Config -> No Problems found (tried just before pasting and it has an error because of my harmony automation, will check that if at least time triggered ones are running.

Pressed “restart HASS” in the configurator.
Automation still wasn’t run…

start page is looking like this:

Do you have another idea?

The automation won’t run till the time goes from 15:10 to 15:11, so to test it change the time to just after now (that would be 14:30 or so here in the UK) then reload the automation. You can test the action part by triggering manually using the UI click the automation and then click trigger.

Thanks, i just added the

  • platform: time_date to my configuration and found out, that the time was wrong.

Did set the right time_zone now and it’s working.

That was confusing, as the logs are shown in the right time, so I didn’t thought about that.

If I set the right time as a trigger also the automations created by the automation editor are working fine, even if they still look ugly:

  • id: ‘1535119037312’
    alias: Test 13:57
    • at: ‘15:57:00’
      platform: time
    • data:
      entity_id: light.licht_schrank
      service: light.toggle

The issue with my harmony was, that I did enter the activities as old and new entry, but the right values would have been “on” & “off”.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

i have the same Problem with automation
Could you explain the platform date time solution with more details?

Hi, you have to set the timezone

For example:
time_zone: Europe/Berlin