Automations fail when there is an update available


Not sure if this is the right forum for this, please move it if not or let me know that I should create an issue on github.

I’ve had an issue since the beginning of me using hassio, years. It’s actually kept me back from using hassio more.

It’s quite simple, whenever there is an update available, my automations fail. None trigger and I’m forced to update to fix the issue.
It wouldn’t be that big of a thing, but with the bi-weekly updates make it quite infuriating.

Over the years I’ve reinstalled Hassio, so it’s not something that I’ve created myself.

Any ideas? Auto-update doesn’t exist afaik so that’s kinda out of the question.


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Hassio is now called Home Assistant OS.

What errors do you see in your logs when this happens?

Rolls better off the tongue :wink: but I’ll remember HAOS instead.

I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t think of checking the logs. The quick fix was to just upgrade.
Are old logs saved somewhere for later rolling or are they wiped at reboot/upgrade?
Sorry for this.

I do remember running 2021.4.4 and upgrading just now on the 25th. So somehow I “survived” 2021.4.5. I’ve got a snapshot from 2021.4.4 if theres a log in there.



During the week (I’m commuting weekly now) the issue happened again. I can see that there is an update for Core.
I checked the logs, but didn’t see anything that related to Hue or anything with automations.

I created both a full and a partial (with only Home Assisant configuration), let me know if the full one is needed.

Let me know if there’s anything else I can do or try. I’ll let the system sit as it is.
Please keep in mind that I’m commuting weekly for work, so I won’t be able to try things until weekends.


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I know this is an old thread but i just thought i’d resurrect it in case there have been any developments.

I have the exact same issue - automations aren’t triggered when there is an update available.

Running: Core-2022.4.6 & OS-7.6

Nothing in logs to indicate why it may have failed, but i can see an event in my logbook which should have triggered an automation (device.tracker arrived home) but automation didn’t process it

Sorry to say I’ve had no further developments after I uploaded my logs.
I still have HAOS around, but more as an afterthought than anything else.

I hope the thread gains some traction as it is a frustrating issue which is for me several years old now.

Tell me about it!
I thought i was ill the other night - i returned home and got on with my evening and was sitting in the lounge getting colder and colder. When i started shivering i decided to do something about it, and noticed that my heating was still set to “Away” mode when my phone was registered in HA as “home”. I have 2 automations to fire up the heating - the primary using a device proximity sensor on my phone + travelling towards home so its already running when i get there and the secondary as a failsafe which is triggered when my phone joins my wifi. Neither triggered.
Just glad the kids weren’t here as they would have been kicking off!

I have the exact same issue, thought I was going crazy, google brought me here. :rofl::rofl:

Frustrating, it’s why I ripped the smart home out two years ago, what’s the point of automation when it takes a bunch of manual operation. :sweat_smile:

Recently installed HA again and I thought maybe it was fixed but alas.

Can’t rely on any of the automations because of constant available HA updates.

You can only have that many cold showers because your automation didn’t trigger the water heater. :see_no_evil:

Found any solution?

Welcome to the forum!

Sorry to say, but with these kind of errors some debugging is necessary, so I’d advise you open up a new topic and provide us with your error(s) and preferrably some logs or automation traces.

That should be easily solved, if logs and traces are available. :slight_smile:

Nope, no solution or help debugging.

But, my automations did start to work recently, probably during fall sometime. No idea what changed except for updates, same installation as I’ve had all these years. So now even with an update waiting the few automations I have work just fine.

Sorry I can’t help more.

OK, so let’s get to this!

You still have that problem? If so, please let us start fresh and describe the problem as detailed as possible. It’s over three years, things have changed a lot…

Upfront, what will help are logs (if something shows up in the logs) and preferably the traces from the automation run that didn’t work. The code from that automation would be good as well, so we know, what we’re looking at.

If nothing comes up there, we’ll enable debug mode and see what comes up there.

If I had to guess right now, I’d say something is blocking the automation from triggering, but I highly doubt it has something to do with an update. Too many people are running really old versions, where everything is working fine despite updates being available.

Sorry @paddy0174, I wasn’t very clear.
My issue is resolved, although without any resolution - last fall or winter, the automations just kept on working, even with an update waiting, and when there’d been quite some time since I upgraded last (lots of versions inbetween).
However, @PhilipParkes still has this issue or a similar one. By all means use my thread.

Good to hear it’s resolved for you! :slight_smile: :+1:

The new topic was just a suggestion, if @PhilipParkes wants to stay here, that’s good with me. :smiley:

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